Methamphetamine contamination occurs when a property is utilised as a meth lab or if occupants engage in meth smoking. Inhalation is the most common method of meth consumption, wherein the drug is heated and converted into vapor. This vapor settles on surfaces such as walls, floors, furnishings, and ducts, leaving behind a hazardous residue.
Properties contaminated with meth pose significant health risks to occupants. Exposure to even low levels of meth contamination can result in a range of adverse health effects, including nose and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, confusion, psychosis, paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety, rashes, and breathing difficulties.
Remediating a meth-contaminated property is a costly endeavor, with cleanup costs typically ranging from $10,000 to $50,000, and sometimes exceeding this amount. In severe cases, demolition may be the only viable solution.
Many landlords and house insurances policies specifically exclude any claims relating to meth contamination.
Most property managers in New Zealand test for meth at tenancy changes and meth testing has become as essential as a Building and Pest Inspection prior to purchase. Meth testing in New Zealand in rental properties has shown contamination in up to 50% of properties tested.
Screening for meth in Australia has historically been expensive ($500 – $2,000) per test. We have worked hard to allow property managers and landlords to implement a meth screening program at a very low cost. You can now implement a meth screening program, ensuring your properties are screened either annually or at every tenancy change from as little as $105.00 per year.